Nowadays weird is the place where we don't find a WiFi network to connect to in order to surf the Internet from your mobile, a tablet or our laptop. Even at home, the vast majority of people use the WiFi network to also connect from the computer. This means that, without realizing it, we find a lot of networks to which we usually connect. Next, we will show how to rename a WiFi network in Windows 10 to easily identify it and how to change the name of our home WiFi.
What is the SSID of a WiFi network
SSID stands for Service Set Identifier, so, as the name implies, it is the service pack identifier. In other words, it is the name that identifies a wireless network from other networks.
Each packet sent through the network is always accompanied by this SSID to know at all times what the home network is. Thus, in this way destiny will know where they come from and where they have to send the answer. However, at the user level, it is the name with which we can identify a WiFi network so that we can connect to it and know, among all those we have within our reach, which one interests us and differentiates it from the rest.

The SSID of our network can be found on the sticker next to the router. That's where we will find the name of our network and the default password or password to access it.
How to change the name of the WiFi in our house
To change the name of the WiFi in our house and thus be able to identify it quickly, the first thing we have to do is access the configuration of our router. For this, what we are going to do is open a window of our web browser on our computer connected to our WiFi, type the address in the address bar and press Enter.
Every device has different IP addresses.Usually, this will show us a page where we have to indicate the username and password to enter the router configuration. The most used by manufacturers by default is admin / admin or admin / 1234 , although access data may also come on the router's model sticker. This may vary depending on the router model and the telecommunications operator. If we do not get access data anywhere, then we will have to contact our Internet provider to provide them.

Once inside, within the WiFi section (may vary depending on the manufacturer), we will find what we are looking for. There we will see the SSID or WiFi name along with the access password and other ipconfig options such as the possibility of hiding or not the name of our network, for example. Therefore, all we have to do is write the name of the WiFi we want, save the changes and we can leave the router configuration page.
From that moment, when from any mobile device or from the PC itself we look for a WiFi network to connect to, our network will appear with the name we have just given it.
Steps to follow to change the name of a WiFi to which we usually connect
There are other reasons to change this default SSID name why we may be interested in changing the name of a WiFi, for example, to be able to identify the active networks on our computer from the Windows 10 control panel. In this way, we can know in a much easier way the active networks available and the one to which we are connected in our team.
For this, what we are going to have to do is make a small change in the system registry. Therefore, first of all it is convenient that we make a backup copy of the Windows 10 registry , in case at any time we encounter a problem being able to return to the way we had it before.

Once this is done, we navigate in the registry to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ NetworkList \ Profiles . There we will find several folders or registry keys, one for each WiFi connection to which we have connected WPA key and saved it to connect later.
To change the name of a particular WiFi, we must go to each of the keys within Profiles and look at the Data value. We can also see that data if we double click on the Profile Name value . In this case, we can write the name we want and press OK so that the changes are saved correctly.
Now, we can exit the Windows 10 registry and see how in the Network Connections window that WiFi already appears with the name we just gave it, even if we put the mouse cursor over the WiFi icon in the system tray , we will see the name we have just given to that WiFi if we are connected to it.